28 March 2024 | College Newsletter 7 March 2024 - Issue 2

College Newsletter

In this Issue

From the Principal


As we arrive at the final day of term it only feels like yesterday we were commencing school and welcoming students for a new year. Hasn’t first term flown by?

This term has been full of activities, many taking advantage of the warmer weather with lots of events outdoors. Camps, hikes, excursions, summer sports, swimming and athletics – just to name a few. As I see the students enthusiastically participating in a range of activities I am reminded as to what broad opportunities our school offers. This is no more apparent than in our House Athletics days that were held recently. Houses provide connection and belonging for our students, and healthy rivalry amongst the Houses only adds to that engagement. Whilst participation and doing your best are part of the athletics day – there were a number of long-standing school records broken - the overwhelming spirit was fun. There was so much encouragement and laughter.  Students proudly displayed their House colours – many in a range of creative and imaginative ways including wigs, face paint and tutus! One of the small parts of the senior athletics day that impressed me was the line of fundraising stalls all organised by students – a BBQ for the Cancer Council, cookies for Wollongarra and zooper doopers for Cambodia. Each were doing a busy trade as students enthusiastically supported each of these causes. 

As Principal it is my hope our students go out into the community as kind, capable, compassionate young people who will not simply inhabit the world, but make it better. Seeing our students in action on these days gives me great confidence that this hope will be fulfilled.

Newhaven College Mothers & Grandmothers Lunch – Friday 10 May

Parents and grandparents are a very important part of our school community. As part of our Mothers Day celebrations at the College this year we will be hosting our inaugural Newhaven College Mothers and Grandmothers Lunch. 

The event will be on Friday 10 May at the Phillip Island Winery. Our hosts have been very kind in keeping tickets as affordable as possible. More information, along with booking details, will be sent to families shortly. This lunch is not exclusively for mums and grandmums – all members of our parent community are welcome. 

Spots are limited so please book quickly to avoid disappointment on what should be a great day.

Open Day 

I would like to thank all of our families who supported our recent Open Day. It was a great day as the sun shone and we welcomed many visitors to Newhaven. It is always a thrill to see so many areas of our school in action – music, equestrian, mountain biking, football, choir, woodwork and of course many classroom displays. My particular thanks to all of our students who assisted on the day and were such exceptional ambassadors for our school, as well as our PFA and other parent volunteers who participated and made the day a success. 

I would like to wish all members of our Newhaven community a happy and safe Easter and term break. We look forward to seeing all of our students back at school on Tuesday April 16. 

In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength

Tony Corr


College News

Newhaven College Annual Open Day

We thank all the students, staff, parents and volunteers who helped make this year's Open Day a huge success.

The sun was shining and the College’s stunning 82 acre campus was looking its best as visitors teemed from the Gym to the Year 9 Environmental Centre, taking in everything in between.

Learning Partnerships

A jam-packed short term has seen the forging of learning partnerships in many forms across the College.

I’m listing but a few below and welcome parent/guardian feedback on how we can continue to not only deeply know your children within our College setting but continue to learn from how you see your child in all the different contexts they appear in through your family life.

Here is a snippet of where we see partnerships in action:

  • Student to student in Year 9 Community Projects
  • Families and teachers through our Parent-teacher conferences
  • Teachers as coaches in SEISA and House events
  • Self-reflection on partnerships in our new Middle School Learning Reflection booklet
  • Parents and researchers through the ACER Focus groups held on Monday
  • Teachers as colleagues working together on targeted assessments and feedback strategies to accelerate improvement for students
  • Peer to peer within Home Group settings where new members are welcomed.
  • Supportive partnerships through challenging camps and activities

Growing confidence and knowing your strengths, choosing learning behaviours which support personal and academic growth is an ongoing ‘work in progress’ which is why we provide a holistic approach to the construction of our programs with partnerships as the central piece.

Enjoy the change of pace over the next few weeks and see you refreshed and energised for Term Two.

Karen Milkins-Hendry

Director of Learning

Parents and Friends Association

Newhaven College Open Day

The PFA were excited to help with the food stalls at Newhaven College's Open Day on Saturday, 16 March 2024. With BBQs, fairy floss, popcorn and snow cones on offer, there were certainly many options!

A special thank you to those that helped on the day: Aaron Chasten, Andrew Werner, Caroline Kim Lee, Natalie Ciavarelli, Stacey Mantel, Casey Bartlett, Michelle Pardoe, Rachel Cameron, Lisette Rule, Jordan Chambers and Laura McCabe. A huge thanks also to PFA members Jenni Lewandowski, Kay Kondarios, Jo Vohland, Lisa Confoy who helped on the day.

Mothers' Day Stall

Mark it into your diaries, the PFA Mothers' Day Stall will be held during school hours on Thursday, 9 May 2024. Gifts will be available for mums, grandmas and those dear to our hearts for $5 or $10.

If you are a dad, uncle, grandfather, we need your help to run the stall on the day. To sign up, please visit: Newhaven College PFA Mother's Day Stall (signup.zone)

Noting that in line with school policy, all volunteers must first complete a Volunteer Pack and have a valid Working With Children Check. Please reach out to the PFA if you need help with obtaining or completing the Volunteer Pack.

Parents and Friends Association Facebook Group

The PFA have started a new Facebook group: Newhaven College Parents and Friends Association | Facebook

This group is for sharing general school updates, PFA led event information and for giving shout-outs to people and businesses in the community that have supported our events. Feel free to join our group to be kept up to date!


If you have any questions or would like to register your details to volunteer at future events, do not hesitate to reach out to us at newhaven.pfa@gmail.com

Angel Chambers

President | Parents and Friends Association

Junior School

Head of Junior School

As we approach the end of Term 1, we reflect on the positive journey we have embarked upon together. It's been a term filled with growth, learning, and memorable moments. It has been great to see our students growing not just academically, but also as integral members of our school community.


Our prep students have settled into school life extremely well, learning new routines, making new friends and enjoying a range of learning experiences. The Reading Party proved to be a great success, offering parents insight into our evidence-based reading approach and empowering them to support fundamental reading skills at home. We look forward to witnessing our prep students reading skills blossom in the coming terms.

Year 1

Last Monday, our Year 1 students hosted a Grandparent Morning Assembly. It served as a beautiful occasion for grandparents to interact with the students, each sharing a cherished artifact. Throughout the morning, an array of wonderful stories and special moments unfolded, as grandparents imparted their wisdom and experiences. It was lovely to hear and see the conversations between generations.

Year 2

During Writer's Workshop in Year 2, students have been honing their skills in creating information posters. These posters, centred on Japan, reflect the facts and insights acquired through comprehension lessons about the country. To celebrate their wonderful work and efforts, Year 2 students were given the chance to present their posters to Year 1 peers, fostering a culture of sharing and cross-grade learning.

Year 3

Our Grade 3 students embarked on an educational journey to the Koala Sanctuary. It proved to be an enriching experience, offering them the chance to connect with nature and gain insights into the significance of wildlife conservation, all within the close vicinity of our school! Such outings provide invaluable hands-on learning experiences that complement classroom teachings. See below for Year 3 excursion photos.

Year 4

Our Year 4 students have been focusing on leadership this term. As seen at our Week 7 assembly, each student made a pledge to themselves and to our school, in a commitment to improving themselves and their contribution to their school. In addition to this, our school captains and vice-captains participated in an online student leadership course, run by the WELS School and IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia). This provided an opportunity for them to work with students from other independent schools, to learn about positive leadership skills such as listening, seeking to understand others and developing their own, unique leadership qualities. It was wonderful to listen to the thoughtful responses and meaningful conversations our captains contributed to on the day, as they considered how they could have a positive influence on our school.

Positive Behaviour Initiatives

Our dedicated classroom teachers have been implementing their own positive reinforcement systems, nurturing a supportive and encouraging environment within their classrooms. Additionally, our recent junior school-wide positive behaviour reward system was launched during our last assembly. Students have been awarded ‘Values Keys’ for exhibiting behaviours aligned with our school values. The class that accumulates the most ‘Values Keys’ will be honoured as the Values Class at each assembly. Each class has identified three distinct rewards they collectively aim to achieve. I eagerly anticipate seeing which grade will be the first to earn our esteemed Values Award at our upcoming Assembly.

Class Parent Representatives

We are actively seeking Class Parent Representatives. Thank you to the parents who have already volunteered. Our goal is to have each class appoint a representative as we enter Term 2. The role of a Class Parent Representative entails nurturing connections within our school community and coordinating relaxed social events to foster a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. If you are interested in taking on this role for 2024, please reach out via email to Kylee Roby at Kylee.Roby@newhavencol.vic.edu.au and leave your contact details. Thank you for considering this opportunity to contribute to our school community.

Thank you to our students, parents, and staff for making Term 1 such a success. We wish all our families a safe and happy Easter break. May this Easter be filled with warmth, laughter, and happy moments.

Cath Huther

Head of Junior School

Junior School Athletics Day

Our Junior School Athletics Day was a great success! It was a day filled with camaraderie, sportsmanship, and competition. Our students displayed can-do attitudes, showcased their athleticism and above all, had a blast! We were incredibly proud of each and every participant. A special thanks to Matt Jackson for his organisation and management of our sporting events throughout the term. His dedication ensured the smooth and successful running of both our swimming and athletics programs.

Year 3 visit Koala Conservation Reserve and Bushbank Nursery

Exploring Koala Life Cycles: Year 3 students embarked on an educational adventure to the Koala Conservation Reserve and Bushbank Nursery, diving deep into the fascinating world of koalas for their science unit. They discovered intriguing facts about the koala life cycle and were thrilled to spot many of these iconic marsupials in their natural habitat.

Jaclyn Clark

Year 3 Classroom Teacher

Harmony Week

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone.

On 21 March our students and staff all wore a touch of orange to show their support for cultural diversity and an inclusive Australia.

Middle School

Head of Middle School

Middle School Term 1 Reflecting on Success and Looking Ahead

As we near the end of Term 1, it's important to take a moment to reflect. It has been a busy and successful start for our Middle School, and I'm proud of the progress and achievements we've witnessed among our students.

First and foremost, I want to commend the students for their engagement, efforts, behaviour, and cooperation throughout the term. Your dedication to upholding our school values and your inclusivity and support towards your fellow peers have not gone unnoticed. It's heartening to see how students across all year levels have stepped up, putting in the work and displaying admirable maturity both inside and outside the classroom.

A highlight of this term was the positive experiences shared by both our Year 5 and Year 7 cohorts during their respective camps. With a significant number of new students joining us this year, these camps provided invaluable opportunities for students to forge new friendships and strengthen existing connections. This, undoubtedly, has contributed to a sense of belonging and settlement among our students, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment within our school community.

Meanwhile, our Year 6 students have settled into their routines, demonstrating resilience and adaptability in their second year in Middle School. Their dedication to their studies and their commitment to personal growth are pleasing to see.

I also extend my appreciation to our Year 8 students, who, in their capacity as leaders, have set commendable standards for the younger students. Your leadership and positive attitude have helped to shape the ethos of our Middle School, and I encourage you to continue leading by example as we progress through the academic year.

Looking ahead, I urge all students to maintain the standards set this term and to strive for continuous improvement in all aspects of school life. Together, we have established our expectations and while we celebrate our successes, there is always room for improvement.

From my perspective, I encourage some students to take on more responsibility for their organisation, ensuring they arrive at each lesson prepared with all necessary resources. Tidying up lockers regularly can also contribute to a more organised and stress-free learning environment. Most importantly, remember to show everyone respect!

As we come to the close of another term, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to the staff for their support and hard work.

This term has been filled with successes, challenges, and countless moments of growth, and it is thanks to your commitment and passion that we have achieved so much together. Your tireless efforts, both in and out of the classroom, have played a crucial role in creating a positive environment for our students to thrive in.

Wishing you all a well-deserved rest and a happy Easter during the upcoming break.

Student Representative Council

Congratulations to the following students who have been voted by their peers:

Year 5 – Molly Baud & Harper Perry

Year 6 – Aiden Smith & Archie Smyth

Year 7 – Tamsyn Walsh & Hugo Wright

Year 8 – Yasmin Gloria & Harvey Leary

As an SRC member, the students have a chance to make a positive difference, contributing to student initiatives, advocating for students, and empowering their voices!

Middle School Charity Update: Thank You for Supporting Pink Day!

Thank you for your support and generosity during our recent charity event, Pink Day. It was truly fantastic to see most of our students making a concerted effort to come to school dressed in pink.

With approximately 280 students in Middle School, your collective efforts made a significant impact. Together, we raised $318.20 for the Cancer Council.

As we look ahead to our next gold coin donation day, I'm excited to announce our ambitious target of $400. I have full confidence that with your continued enthusiasm and support, we can achieve this goal.

I also want to encourage our Year 8 students to fully embrace the theme of the day by dressing up in accordance with the chosen theme, rather than simply adding a 'touch' to their PE uniform. Your participation and enthusiasm are crucial in fostering a spirit of unity and compassion within our school community.

Remember, every dollar counts towards supporting the Cancer Council and their vital work in fighting cancer.

Thank you once again for your ongoing support, and let's continue to make a positive impact together.

Farewell and Thank You, Mrs. Ruth Whitton

As we prepare to bid farewell to Mrs. Ruth Whitton at the end of this term, I want to take a moment to express our gratitude for her invaluable contributions over the past three years.

Ruth has been a valued member of our Middle School family, showing immense compassion and care towards her students and demonstrating collegiality amongst her peers.

We wish Ruth all the best as she embarks on the next chapter of her journey. Thank you, Ruth, for your dedication and positive impact on our community.

Congratulations Addison O’Connor

On Saturday, 23 March Addison and her teammates played in two grand finals and I'm very happy to report that Addison and her teammates won both games and were premiers at Casey Basketball in the U/12 A-Grade and U/14 B-Grade sections.

Ralph Arceo

Head of Middle School

Year 5-12 House Athletics

Our recent House Athletics Carnival was a great success! Thanks to all students for their participation, sportsmanship, and House spirit.

Year 5 Camp at Sovereign Hill

The year 5 students enjoyed their Sovereign Hill camp.

List of 10 best things to do on a Year 5 camp at Sovereign Hill

  • Buy lollies at the confectionary.
  • Eat as many of these lollies as you can in as short a time as possible.
  • Help someone else eat their lollies.
  • Pan for gold and store your gold in a small glass bottle.
  • Have someone else pan for gold and store it in your small glass bottle.
  • Venture into the underground mines.
  • Stay up late and watch the sound and light show while trying not to fall asleep
  • Dress up as a soldier from the Eureka Rebellion and have your photo taken holding a GUN!!!
  • Go to the gold pour where they melt real gold and make a gold bar - and wish that you could take it home!!!!
  • Have a personalized horseshoe made for you by the blacksmith.

Thanks to all of the amazing year 5s. Many people commented on the wonderful behaviour of our Newhaven Students. Thanks to Ms. Adnam, Mrs Driscoll, Mr. Pederson. Mrs Whitton, Lucas Chihotski and Shaz, most of whom behaved well- although Mr Pederson was a little out-of- control with the noisy music on his speaker.

Ruth Whitton

Year 5 Teacher

Health & Science Prac Extravaganza

On Friday 8 March the Year 8 HAS team ran a series of Science pracs on the JS Basketball courts and surrounds in what was a Prac Extravaganza! Four teachers ran a total of five different experiments for all of our Year 8 students where they explored alternative energy sources – wind, solar, tidal, biofuel and biogas. There were balloons, cow manure, mashed banana, buckets of water, small flames, solar panels and hair dryers all being used to investigate the hows and whys of creating and harnessing energy.

Year 7 Camp- Lyrebird Park

Earlier in the term, the Year 7 students had their first camp all together. We were lucky enough to be hosted at Lyrebird Park, up around Gembrook. They have 40 acres of pure natural beauty, with tall trees, rolling hills and overall, just a beautiful environment.

Year seven camp is always a highlight of the year. Having many different experiences helps us to learn and grow and camp always improves our independence. Particularly at the beginning of year seven, when there are lots of fresh faces to greet and unfamiliar people to interact with.

Many people made new friends on this camp, and the year seven cohort feels more comfortable together and has developed a brighter sense of community. Something that contributed to this was on Wednesday night, when we had the annual Newhaven College Talent Show. There were many fantastic acts but the one that came out on top was the creative dance from a certain group of talented girls that left the crowd speechless.

We had many challenging and engaging activities that everyone loved participating in. Some of the favourites were the slingshot, archery, rock climbing and the flying fox of course. These activities helped the year 7s improve our teamwork and leadership skills and built a sense of community and trust between the students.

Promax, short for Project Maximise, was a unique and fun experience for all, as some leaders were selected, we all grouped together and this adventure took us all around the property, looking for clues and riddles for the rest of our teams to solve!

After our activities were all finished, in our downtime, we were lucky enough to have 3 fun pastimes available, we had the basketball courts, the trampolines and the games room. We also had plenty of open planes to kick the footy and some of us even played volleyball!

We cannot wait for the year sixes to experience this camp next year. Thank you to Lyrebird Park and the teachers who came along for making it a very memorable camp.

Georgina and Lucy

Year 7

Senior School

Vice Principal & Head of Senior School

Cancer Council Fundraising

The Year 12 leadership team is very pleased to announce that this year, Newhaven College will be fundraising to support the Cancer Council. We are excited to be supporting a charity that does such important work including Cancer research, treatment, and supporting families affected by Cancer. We also feel that the Charity is

a great fit for our school community, and that in partnership we can work to maximise our fundraising efforts as a school this year. 

Here's the link to our online fundraising page. We'd love your support!

Max, Alice, Tahlia and Tom

Year 12 Captains

Wearing Pink for Breast Cancer Research

Rather than the usual blue of the College uniform, last Wednesday Newhaven turned ‘Pink’ for our first out-of-uniform day. Pink hair. Pink PJs, Pink clothes – the uptake and participation across all sub-schools was heart-warming. Senior School Bass House students baked and ran a Cake Stall that was over-run by our Junior School students. The day raised over $1500 with gold coin donations, the bake sale and generous donations via the QR Code from our College and Parent Community. We look forward to the next day in May.

One of our school captains Alice Mabilia spoke about the success of the day, "We are so happy everyone got involved today and dressed up in pink to raise awareness for Breast Cancer! Our main fundraiser, a bake sale was a great success as we were sold out within the first 10 minutes. A special thank you to our year 12 Bass students for baking the delicious cupcakes. We can't wait for our next fundraising day, to raise more money and awareness for our charity, Cancer Council!"

Sharon Paterson

Year 12 Teacher and Bass House Mentor

Year 9 Term 1 Wrap Up!

Year 9 has gotten off to a fantastic start! Despite the busy term, our students have been diving into their studies with enthusiasm and making some great connections along the way.

Huge congratulations to our new class captains for each year group:

  • 9A: George Mackenzie and Piper O'Brien
  • 9G: Kai Cashman and Ania Falzon
  • 9K: Georgia Slidders and Scarlette Jongejan
  • 9N: Harry Bently and Aisha Hibbert

We know these dedicated leaders will represent their classmates well and contribute to a strong sense of community throughout the year.

Year 9 students have hit the ground running with their Community Projects! They've been actively involved in giving back, with some volunteering at Aged Care Centres, assisting the younger students in the Junior School, and tackling environmental projects like weed removal along our coastline. Others have been instrumental in building the new Mountain Bike Facilities, showcasing their teamwork and dedication. We can't wait to see the incredible impact of their hard work!

Year 9 Uniform

Thank you to all the parents and students who have been supporting the school uniform. The season will be changing soon and many of our students do not have the required Fleece Jumper or recommended long pants that is required for our chilly winter months. During the holiday break can I encourage all students to be prepared for the upcoming winter weather and purchase the required pieces of uniform.


A reminder to all parents that the City CITE Transport and Accommodation and consent document are due to be returned by Friday 19 April. The students are starting to get very excited about the program.

Sam Foura

Head of Year 9

Year 9 Community Projects

As part of the Year 9 community program, some of our Year 9 students have been assisting in class, with students sharing their reading skills.

Some Year 9 students have been rolling up their sleeves and helping to keep our beaches clean, and others are helping with building the fabulous MTB track around the college grounds.

The satisfaction in doing good work and the skills learned from participating in Year 9 Community Projects is an essential part of the Year 9 holistic experience.

Year 11 Outdoor Environmental Studies Mount Buller Trip

The Year 11 Outdoor and Environmental Studies classes just wrapped up an epic adventure at Mount Buller! They hit the trails on mountain bikes, explored ecosystems on foot, and learned how humans interact with the mountain environment. Students even discovered how the resort keeps things sustainable and safe for summer activities! It was a whirlwind week of fresh air, learning, and adventure. Students will return to Mount Buller in Winter to look at the differences fingers are crossed that there is some snow on the ground for some skiing adventures.

Mr Foura and Ms Sidebottom

Year 12 Visual Communication Design Excursion

On Friday 22 March the Year 12 Visual Communication Design students went on an excursion to the MPavillion in the CBD, which is Australia's leading Architecture commission. The students had the opportunity to engage with the architecture via a talk, discussion and visitation and then respond to this experience by creating their own concepts for a Pavillion that they shared with the group. This was given as an introduction to their SAT folio work which asks them to select one client and come up with 2 final design solutions.

Webinar on CONSENT

On Thursday 2 May we are offering Year 7-12 parents the opportunity to participate in an online seminar on Consent.

Partnering with Elephant Ed, we share an aim to create a world in which every person is empowered with the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to make conscious, healthy and respectful choices about relationships and sexuality. Among other topics, the seminar will cover:

  • Statistics and prevalence of sexual assault
  • Legalities surrounding consent
  • Avenues to seek help
  • Strategies to start the conversation at home

A link to the online seminar has been sent out via SEQTA message to all Year 7-12 parents earlier this week.

Please note that the seminar will not be recorded so parents will need to attend on the night.

You are required to register in advance for this webinar.

Your link to register for the Webinar is HERE

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We look forward to seeing you online!

Running Shoes for Africa

Following 2019 alumni James Mercer's callout for running shoe donations at a Senior School assembly recently, students and families eagerly donated dozens of pairs of 'retired' running shoes.

On Friday, 22nd March, James' mother, Tracey Mercer, arrived to collect the donated shoes on behalf of her son. Tracey shared with us the remarkable news that James was personally taking over 100 kilos worth of shoes to Africa this week and any surplus shoes would accompany James on his upcoming trip to Kenya in June, where he will be running a boot camp.

Tracey Mercer emphasised that the shoes collected by Newhaven College would not only benefit running clubs but would also be distributed to children who walk barefoot to school, sometimes traversing over 10 kilometres. The impact of such donations goes far beyond the mere provision of footwear; it represents a lifeline for those in need, offering comfort, protection, and hope for a better future.

Tracey expressed her gratitude on behalf of James and herself, emphasising how overwhelming the support from Newhaven College has been. She also extended her appreciation to local sports stores whose generous donations further bolstered their efforts.

Careers Newsletter

Please be sure to check out this month's Career News 

Key highlights include:

  • Early Entry
  • Guaranteed ATAR
  • Open Days
  • Key Dates

Anthea Bennett

Head of Careers

Visual & Performing Arts

'Little Shop of Horrors' - Tickets on Sale Now!

We're excited to announce that tickets for our upcoming school production of 'Little Shop of Horrors' are now on sale!

You can purchase tickets through TryBooking on the following link: Little Shop of Horrors Tickets    

Don't miss the chance to witness our talented students bring this classic musical to life on stage.

Call out for Props

At Newhaven, we like to reuse, recycle repurpose as much as we can... so... if anyone in our community can assist with any of the following props that would be brilliant!

Here’s the list of things we’d like to be beg, borrow and steal for our school production:

To keep

- Fake flowers (in any condition is fine as we’ll be painting them) 

- Old galvanised rubbish bins with lids

- Old grey wraps or scarves

- Old grey caps, hats and beanies

- Old wooden stools

To borrow (we will take good care of them!)

Old fashioned wooden brooms

If you can help please contact Steph Thornborrow on 5956 7505 or steph.thornborrow@newhavencol.vic.edu.au

Steph Thornborrow

Marketing and Communications

Director of Music Report

Term 1 has been a very active one for the Music Department with around 200 students taking lessons in the Individual Tuition Program (IMT) and over 200 participating in our MusicPlus Program. Alongside this, many of our middle and senior school students have been busy preparing for our production of Little Shop of Horrors. The show is coming together wonderfully so get your tickets before you miss out. We're delighted to have four students as part of the pit orchestra again this year.

During November 2023 we had just under 60 students sit music exams through the Australian Music Examinations Board (AMEB), with many students receiving High Distinctions (A+). We're very proud of all students who strived for excellence in preparing for and presenting their examinations. Stay tuned for AMEB examination information for 2024. The students were presented at assemblies throughout term 1.

Congratulations to the 20 students who performed at our Autumn Soiree in the Rehearsal Hall on Monday 18 March. It was wonderful to hear such fine music so early in the year. The College holds soirees throughout the year and I encourage all students learning an instrument at the school or privately to present their music at one of these evenings. The joy of performing music cannot be underestimated. It is always good to share all of your hard work with others.

On Thursday 21 March 18 of our VCE Music Performance and VET Music Industry students accompanied by Mr Turton, Mrs Poletti, Mrs Lockhart, Mr Prideaux, Mr Wright and Mr Goss attended Top Class at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Southbank.

Top Class Music features incredible young students who received very high grades for their VCE music performance examinations in 2023. Over three concerts a range of instruments, interpretations and styles by soloists and groups is presented. We attended the third concert featuring VCE Contemporary Music and VET Music Performance students.

We are pleased to announce that on Thursday 16 May Briana Leaman (Oboe) will be at the College to present a masterclass to our Year 5-6 students followed by a concert in the evening. Briana is an American-Australian oboist and has performed and taught throughout North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. We're delighted that Briana will be working alongside our students as part of her Victorian tour and hoping to pique some interest in the oboe. Brian's concert is open to the public with a special discount for Newhaven families.

We were delighted that Newhaven Colleges' very own 'The Drop Kicks' comprising of Year 12s Dean Lyle (Vocal), Callan Spencer (Bass), Liam Fuery (Drums) and Esta Christensen (Guitar). Esta is of course 2023 Alumni. It was wonderful to have her back representing the College. The Dropkicks completed VET Music Industry 2nd Year in 2023 and all received outstanding marks. The band was given the honour of closing the final concert with two tunes. They managed to whip the enthusiastic audience into a frenzy pretty quickly with their original tune, 'I Don’t Think' and followed up with Suck My Kiss (Red Hot Chili Peppers). Well done to the band for their awesome performance representing the College and of course, we wish them all the best with their upcoming gigs. Special thanks to Esta Christensen for her wonderful guitar playing.

If you would like to find out more about our VCE Music Performance and VET Music Industry, here is some information.

VCE Music Performance focuses on:

  • Performance of repertoire across a range of genres, as well as scales and exercises
  • Music language skills:
    • ability to analyse and discuss the use of musical elements that can be heard in recorded works
    • ability to read, write, aurally recognise, transcribe, improvise, compose and sing or clap:
      • rhythms, melodies, scales, intervals, arpeggios and chord progressions
  • Students can do the subject for just one year (Units 1 & 2) or continue on to do the second year (Units 3 & 4).
  • Unit 1-2 focuses on performance skills, composition and analysis on music
  • Students choose repertoire based on appropriate level from any genre in both solo and group settings.
  • Unit 3-4 students choose to focus on Contemporary stream of Repertoire (notated works) stream.
  • 30% of the Study Score comes from school-based assessments (SACS). 20% comes from an external music language exam.
  • 50% comes from the final performance exam, where technical, expressive and stylistic interpretive skills are the focus.
  • Our students have achieved Study Scores above 40 with Will Murphy scoring a perfect 50 in 2023 and two other students in the 40s.

VCE VET Music (Performance) focuses on:

  • First Year:
    • Planning for performances – including logistics
    • Event management & negotiating with venues
    • Understanding characteristics of a genre and putting on a tribute show
    • Songwriting
    • Copyright law
    • Work health & safety
  • Second Year:
    • Preparing solo or ensemble performances of self-determined repertoire for a self-determined commercial context
    • Physical and verbal stagecraft to create engaging performances
    • Practice and rehearsal skills
    • Detailed video analysis, self-evaluation and goal setting to improve & refine performances
    • Improvisation
  • The full, two year course gives students a Cert III in Music Industry and also a Year 12 Study Score
  • Either year can be completed on its own. Only Second Year provides a Study Score.
  • Students are often capable of commencing the subject in Year 10 if they have done well in Year 9. Performance ability and grade averages are required.
  • Students can do both subjects at a Year 12 level if they take VET Music across Yr 10/11 and VCE Music across Yr 11/12.
  • It is inadvisable to do both subjects in Year 12.
  • Very minimal theory skills can be sufficient – these can be developed within the course.
  • There is no minimum, prescribed performance standard but students need to be capable of pulling together a competent performance.
  • Easy repertoire can produce satisfactory completion but is likely to produce lower Study Scores.
  • 50% of the Study Score comes from school-based assessments (SACS).
  • 50% comes from the final performance exam, where 3 of the 10 assessed criteria are for stagecraft and original, innovative interpretation is rewarded.
  • Our students have achieved Study Scores above 40.

Matthew Goss

Director of Music

2023 VCE and VET Performing Arts Students Shine!

Two perfect scores in VCE Music, six students progressing to further study in the performing arts and one of our bands, The Dropkicks, received a rare invitation to perform two songs at the state-wide VCE showcase concert, Top Class Music 2024 where they performed to the next generation of aspiring musicians at the Melbourne Recital Centre. The Dropkicks formed during our annual Bands Camp in 2022 and they’ve been rehearsing, writing, recording, and performing ever since, with all band members completing a VCE/VET Cert III in Music followed by VCE Contemporary Music the year after. Make sure you check out The Dropkicks’ Instagram account, or catch them at The Westernport on Saturday 23 March, where they’re playing support for Ozone Street and Nick Carver & The Mean St Butchers.

Watch the Dropkicks in action!

Rob Turton

VCE Music Teacher

VET Music Performance Night

Our 2nd Year VCE VET Music students kicked off their year with impressive performances to an enthusiastic and supportive crowd in our Black Box Theatre this week.

With more performances nights coming up in Terms 2 and 3, make sure you get along to hear these talented young musicians later this year.

Rob Turton

VCE Music Teacher


Years 5 - 12 House Athletics

The athletics day was lots of fun with stunning weather. Check out some more photos of this amazing day!

Newhaven College Surf Academy

The Newhaven College Surfing Academy is off and running again in 2024.

With our existing SM program, our newly revamped year 10 elective and Wednesday high performance sessions under the tutelage of Island local Glyndyn Ringrose, there is lots to be excited about.

We look forward to House and SEISA surfing in Term 2 as well as the Independent Schools State Titles to be held here on Phillip Island!

The Newhaven Surf Academy is more than just surfing. Our brand new Year 10 Surf Academy elective also sees students wrapping up the semester having completed their Surf Life Saving Bronze Medallion award. They can then go on to become active volunteers on patrol at Cape Woolamai SLSC in the future if they wish. During one of our recent weekly practical sessions, students got a snapshot into the more advanced side of surf life saving with an IRB (Inflatable Rescue Boat) experience.

Check out the Inflatable Rescue Boat experience.

Check out our Surf Academy in action.

Ben Clark

Head of Surf Academy

Picture: Team Captain Ash Easton with Newhaven College student Tate Russell and alumni Sage Goldsbury. Photo: Billy La Pop - Quiksilver

Newhaven College Surf Academy Alumni Shine at Australian Boardriders Battle

Newhaven College’s Surf Academy supports and develops our students to achieve their best.

We are thrilled to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our Surf Academy current and past students at the Australian Boardriders Battle held at Burleigh Heads. Carl Wright, Joe Van Dijk and Sage Goldsbury, former key members of the Academy, showcased their exceptional skills alongside current Year 11 student Tate Russell.

Competing against top talent from across the nation, the Phillip Island Boardriders Club's high-performance team, including our talented alumni, triumphed at the event. Their outstanding performance secured victory for the Phillip Island Bass Coast region, highlighting the dedication and talent nurtured within Newhaven College's Surf Academy.

Congratulations to Carl, Joe, Sage, Tate and the entire team for their remarkable success, showcasing the spirit of excellence and determination synonymous with Newhaven College. We look forward to witnessing their continued achievements in the world of surfing.

Ben Clark

Head of Surf Academy

SEISA Finals

Senior Girls Netball A, Senior Boys Cricket and Senior Boys Basketball come out on top

In the exciting culmination of our summer round of SEISA competitions, 14 March marked a successful day for our school community. From the hardcourt to the cricket pitch, and across the tennis courts, our teams represented us with pride and passion. We extend our congratulations to the Senior Boys Cricket, Senior Boys Basketball and Senior Girls Netball A teams for their outstanding victories. Beyond the scorecards, it's heartening to note that all participating teams exemplified our school values, demonstrating sportsmanship, teamwork, and unwavering effort.

Senior B Netball Team Runner's Up

In a closely contested final, despite being level at half-time 10-10, the Senior B Netball Team unfortunately lost to St Paul’s by two goals 22-24. It was a bittersweet ending for some Year 12 players who have represented the College for many years in netball, including Alice, Claire, Ella, Mya, and Airi, who played their last game today. Thank you for all your efforts representing the College over the years.

The whole team showed great determination and teamwork throughout the match in challenging conditions with a loud home crowd advantage for St Paul’s.

Well done to our student athletes!

Newhaven College 2nd in SEISA Swimming Carnival

The SEISA Swimming Carnival recently took place in Traralgon, and what a fantastic day it was! Students from Years 5 to 12 gathered to showcase their skills, turning the pool into an arena of spirited competition and camaraderie. Every participant gave their all, demonstrating impressive dedication and sportsmanship throughout the event.

In the final tally, Newhaven College emerged as a formidable force, clinching a well-deserved second place. The competition was fierce, with only a few points separating us from the top spot, held by the combined schools of St. Paul's Grammar.

A huge thank you goes out to every student who participated in the carnival. Your enthusiasm made the day truly special. Special recognition is also due to those students who went above and beyond, swimming extra events and even competing outside of their age groups. Your willingness to challenge yourselves is commendable. Special commendation to our four Age Group Champions; Lara Smyth, Jasmine Ruffin, Isabella Lynch and Archie Smyth. Their outstanding and consistent performances were admirable.

Congratulations to all participants, and here's to many more moments of triumph in the pool.

Cowes Classic

It was a few weeks ago now, but we're no less proud of the many Newhaven College students who participated in the Cowes Classic on Saturday 2 March. Well done!

Equestrian Update

Friday 15 March saw the first round of Petstock Interschool Show Jumping (ISJ) Championships with well over 235 horse and rider combinations competing.

Two riders represented the Newhaven College Equestrian Team with varied success on the day.

Olivia Curtain rode three horses to complete nine rounds of show jumping on a very warm day. Olivia brought along her brand new mount Yalambi’s Luciana from Western Australia entering her in the Progressive Class and steering her around their first championships together. Olivia rode conscientiously and with care to ensure a good day out for her new girl. Olivia also competed on her two ponies Indi’s Mr Zorba Jones and Xcella to finish in 2ndplace in the Grand Prix on Xcella.

Isla Mclean brought her Brumby bred Miss Mirabella along as her competition mount was on a spell. Miss Mirabella showed her typical Brumby strength jumping beautifully when it suited her but always bringing the challenge up to Isla.

Regional Swimming Finals

On Wednesday 14 March we had 14 students compete in the Regional Swimming Finals in Sale.

We had some outstanding results with Archie Smyth winning the 50m Backstroke and 50m Butterfly. He will now head to the State Titles to represent our school in both these events.

Our 9/10 year old boys freestyle relay team, consisting of Cooper Bennet, Austin Lynch, Leith Cameron and Reeve Dennis, placed 2nd. Alice Martindale had a fantastic swim and finished 3rd in the 50m Breaststroke. And finally, our boys Medley Relay team (Darby Smyth, Oisin Flynn, Archie Smyth and Aiden Smith) placed 3rd in a blanket finish.

All students performed exceptionally well and were a credit to themselves and our school.

Newhaven College MTB in Thredbo!

Last week, the Newhaven College Mountain Biking team embarked on a thrilling journey to Thredbo NSW for the annual Australian Mountain Biking Inter-schools. With over 290 schools competing from around the country, the stakes were high as riders navigated the challenging, technical terrains. Led by Mountain Biking Coordinator Adrian Wale, their collective efforts culminated in an impressive performance overall.

Well done team!

Community Links

Cultural Diversity

Cultural diversity encompasses the variety of cultures, beliefs, and traditions present globally, contributing to a rich tapestry of human experiences and perspectives. By valuing every child's cultural background, we enable them to excel in all facets of life. Nurturing an environment of curiosity, open-mindedness, and respect for all cultures, will to only promote unity but a deeper appreciation of the nuances that distinguish us.

Inclusion is about more than just words; it's about fostering a sense of belonging and acceptance for every child, regardless of their cultural background. When children and adolescents feel seen and valued for who they are, they can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. Valuing and understanding cultural diversity, helps our communities benefit from a wealth of perspectives and experiences, enhancing our collective capacity for empathy and innovation.

As parents and adult carers, instilling an appreciation for cultural diversity is vital to equip young people with the tools they need to navigate an increasingly interconnected world. Through leading by example and showing that kindness and understanding knows no boundaries, we can encourage them to embrace multiculturalism. This will not only prepare young people for personal success, but also for contributing to a world that views diversity as a strength. Through collective efforts, we can help pave the way for a more accepting and vibrant future.

In this edition of SchoolTV, learn how best to embrace and celebrate cultural diversity with your children. We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this month’s edition, and we always welcome your feedback.

If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school wellbeing team for further information or seek medical or professional help.

Here is the link to your Edition

Contact Newhaven College

Address: 1770 Phillip Island Road, Phillip Island VIC 3923

Telephone: 03 5956 7505 Email: lucy.couper@newhavencol.vic.edu.au

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