Head of Senior School

The first few weeks of Term 4 in the Senior School have centred around the last days of the Year 12 students at the College. For 15 students, Tuesday 22 October marked thirteen years at Newhaven College, whilst for others, the last of only one year here. Either way, Year 12 is a huge year in the lives of a teenager marking their transition to adulthood. 

The Year 12 cohort marked two days of fun and frivolity on Friday 18 October and Monday 21 October with two dress-up days and a final BBQ lunch with House games before a formal farewell on Tuesday 22 October.

Tuesday saw the families of all our graduating Year 12 students descend upon the College to celebrate their schooling and their full breadth of experience across 13 years of formal education. The day began with breakfast in the amphitheatre – over 300 people celebrating the educational journey of our 97 finishing Year 12 students.

This was followed by all families joining all Year 9-12 students in their Houses for personal farewells of each Year 12 student. An intimate setting where each Year 12 student was personally farewelled by either a younger sibling or a close friend.

The formal proceedings at the College were then rounded out with a formal Graduation Assembly with all Middle School and Senior School students joining the graduating class of 2024 and their families to recognise the successes and achievements of each Year 12 student. All Year 12 students received their Valedictory Certificates, and we celebrated the successes of our best students in academic and sporting spheres, as well as recognising the considerable impact so many of our Year 12 students have had on the school and wider community.

A brief summary of the students winning our key awards is given below. The full list of award recipients can be found further in this newsletter. The College is extremely proud of the class of 2024, and the students listed below represent students that should deserve to be recognised for their outstanding commitment and determination throughout their time at Newhaven College:

Academic Awards:

Two Subject Awards: Max Arceo, Finn Leary & Niamh O’Connell

Four Subject Awards: Ella Berry

Academic Endeavour Award: Harry Butcher

ADF Future Innovators Award: Ella Berry

Sport Awards:

SEISA Sport Awards: Harry Butcher & Lily Mewett

Major Sport Awards: Max Arceo & Heidi Driscoll

Values Award:

The Long Tan Leadership Award: Gabriel Winterson

Special Prizes:

Principal’s Prize 2024: Max Arceo

Papworth Prize 2024: Ella Berry

Later in the evening, the class of 2024, and their families were able to celebrate their Valedictory with many of the staff who have guided these students over the years at Silverwater Resort. It was a thoroughly enjoyable day and a delightful way in which to round out each student’s time at Newhaven College. This is a year level that had a marked impact on the College, the staff as a whole and so many of the younger students at the College.

All that remains for our Year 12 students now is for them to complete their VCE examinations. This group has worked incredibly hard this year and I have no doubt that they will give their very best in each of their examinations over what can be a stressful three-week period. Their teachers have done all they can, it is now over to each student to show the world what they have to offer. I have never believed in wishing students luck for examinations – when they go into their examinations well prepared, there is no need for luck, there is only preparation, determination and success. In seven weeks, we will determine the level of success experienced by this cohort!

Brett Torstonson

Head of Senior School

Year 12 Award Recipients

The final assembly included the presentation of awards, shining a spotlight on the incredible talent that Newhaven College fosters. Awards were given to students in each Year 12 subject who had achieved the highest grades and made significant contributions to the development of their subjects for the benefit of all students.

Tony Corr, Newhaven College Principal presented the prestigious Principal's Prize to Max Arceo. Max is an all-rounder, showing leadership in every aspect of College life.

The prestigious Papworth Prize was awarded to Ella Berry who was also the recipient of both the ADF Future Innovators Award and academic awards for four subjects. Ella exemplifies the values and academic excellence for which Newhaven College is renowned.

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) also recognised Gabriel Winterson with the Long Tan Leadership Award. Gabriel was instrumental in the Youth Parliament team this year, and one of the presidents of the SRC.

Additionally, awards were bestowed upon those who exemplified the school's House values, excelled in sports, and who earned the prestigious Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award.

As Newhaven College's Year 12 students embark on their future endeavours, they do so with fond memories, cherished experiences and a bright outlook on the road ahead. Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Congratulations to our major award winners:

• Principal’s Prize – Max Arceo

• Papworth Prize – Ella Berry

• ADF Long Tan Leadership Award – Gabriel Winterson

• ADF Future Innovators Award – Ella Berry

• Year 12 Academic Endeavor Award – Harry Butcher

Students who received one Academic Award:

• Business Management – Gabriel Winterson

• Chemistry – David O’Neill

• Design Technology - Wood – Blake Baker

• Economics – Wesley Morgan

• English – Sienna Michie

• Food Studies – Summer Crestani

• Language (Japanese) – Airi White

• Mathematical Methods – Tilia Pires-Andersen

• Mathematics General – Charlie Deery & Alice Mabilia

• Music Performance – Jasmine Turton

• Media – Jemima Aitken

• Outdoor & Environmental Studies – Claire Banks

• Physical Education – Leo Savona

• Art Making & Exhibiting- Lucy Sullivan

• Systems Engineering – Santiago Leys

• Theatre Studies – X Kesterson

• Visual Communication & Design – William Bar Bar

Students who received two Academic Awards:

• English and Health & Human Development – Niamh O’Connell

• English Literature and Psychology – Finn Leary

• Legal Studies and Health & Human Development – Max Arceo

Student received Four Academic Awards:

• Chemistry, Mathematical Methods, Specialist Mathematics and Physics – Ella Berry

Sport Awards

• Athletics – Sienna Michie & Sonny McMillan

• Swimming – Jade Ruffin & Gabriel Smith

• Cross Country – Max Arceo & Sienna Michie

• SEISA Sports Certificate – Harry Butcher & Lily Mewett

• Major Sports Award – Heidi Driscoll & Max Arceo

Values Awards

• Bass House – Becky Heffer & Will Campbell

• Clarke House – Tahlia Lindley & Daniel Caffieri

• McHaffie House – Sonny McMillan & Archer Herbert

• Sambell House – Claire Banks & Dean Lyle

Gold Duke of Edinburgh Awards

Ella Berry, Tom Bird, Summer Crestani, Chloe Harris, Tahlia Lindley, Sienna Lowrey-Steiner, Alice Mabilia, Jade Ruffin and Jack Ryan

We congratulate all of our Year 12 Award Recipients for their success and recognition.

Year 12 Final Days fun

Before the formalities of graduation day, our Year 12 cohort let their hair down with a bit of fun. Dressing up and getting wet with Commando Games and a slip 'n slide up at the Year 9 Environmental Centre.

Valedictory Dinner

The final celebration for our Year 12s' Graduation Day was a night out with their peers, families and teachers. Silverwater Resort hosted a lovely evening with a delicious meal. It was a fitting end to a big day!

Newhaven College Charity 2024 - Cancer Council

This year Newhaven College's chosen charity was Cancer Council. Cancer has impacted all of our lives, so this charity was chosen by the College Student Leadership for 2024.

At the final assembly, 2024 College Captains Max Arceo, Alice Mabilia, Tom Bird and Tahlia Williams presented a cheque to Cancer Council representative, and long time parent of Newhaven College, Kelly Fuery. The amount was an impressive $11,931. 

We thank the entire College community for their support and contributions to this very important cause.

Duke of Edinburgh Award

The international Duke of Edinburgh is a youth development program that encourages young people (aged 14 - 24) to challenge themselves through activities in four areas: physical recreation, skill development, community service and adventurous journeys. The Gold level also includes a residential project. It's a chance for young people to build confidence, leadership and life skills while contributing to their communities and exploring personal interests.

This year we have, again, broken our record for the number of recipients of the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. Congratulations to these persistent young people who have been working for many years to achieve this award. It is, however, not just an award; it’s a journey where they have pushed their limits, gained new skills and made new friendships. This achievement will make them stand out to universities and employers as they stand out as dedicated, resilient and proactive members of our community.

Congratulations to the nine students who completed their Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award in 2024, Jade Ruffin, Sienna Lowrey-Steiner, Alice Mabilia, Chloe Harris, Summer Crestani, Ella Berry, Jack Ryan, Tom Bird and Tahlia Lindley (not pictured).

Ann-Marie McLean

Program Coordinator

Prep to Year 12 in a flash

Fifteen of our Year 12 students started Prep at Newhaven College back in 2012. 

2024 graduates: Back row L-R Evie Say, Sophie Raso, Gracie Newman, Isabelle Bowman Kissane, Archer Herbert, Anthony Petropoulos, Oliver Hibbert, Luke Car

Front row L-R  Amelia White, Lucy Wilson, Neave Dunstan, Arki Ridd, Heidi Driscoll, Tahlia Williams, Liam Fuery

Year 9 Commando Games

On the last day of Term 3, our Year 9 students enjoyed the challenging and action-packed commando games. Testing their physical and mental grit as they confronted challenges in cold muddy water. Only to then be hosed down with more cold water!

This event is seen as a 'right of passage' and one of the highlights of Year 9.

VCE Systems Engineering students showcase innovative prototypes

The VCE Systems Engineering course emphasizes the principles and practices of engineering systems, with a focus on problem-solving, design processes, and the integration of mechanical and electrical components. In Units 3 & 4, students are tasked with designing and fabricating a system that integrates mechanical and electrotechnological elements, while documenting the process in a detailed portfolio.

This year, all students have produced an outstanding standard of work, with three students presenting operational prototypes.

Fim Hindam designed and fabricated an automated self-stabilizing system for aircraft. This technology is intended for use in real planes to maintain control in critical situations, such as when a pilot becomes incapacitated.

Santiago Leys created an automated chicken feeder, incorporating multiple input and output technologies. The system includes RFID technology to identify livestock and deliver measured feed based on production type.

Tanner Mills created an automated tracking spotlight that utilizes thermal imaging technology to identify and track moving objects.

The work presented by these students reflects countless hours of design, fabrication, fault-finding, and problem-solving. Their prototypes are a testament to their creativity and ingenuity showcasing the high standards of our VCE Systems Engineering students.

Nathan Leys

Systems Engineering Teacher

VCE Chemistry

It has been a productive year for our Unit 2 Chemistry students. Students are exploring the process of titration and determining the concentration of ethanoic acid in vinegar. Students have enjoyed experimenting as part of their assessment and this experience will no doubt help focus their understanding, with an aim towards end-of-year examinations.

Luke Nicholson

Chemistry Teacher


Please be sure to check out this month's Career Newsletter.

Key highlights include:

  • Upcoming Events
  • Scholarships and Competitions

Anthea Bennett

Head of Careers