
As we arrive at the final day of term it only feels like yesterday we were commencing school and welcoming students for a new year. Hasn’t first term flown by?

This term has been full of activities, many taking advantage of the warmer weather with lots of events outdoors. Camps, hikes, excursions, summer sports, swimming and athletics – just to name a few. As I see the students enthusiastically participating in a range of activities I am reminded as to what broad opportunities our school offers. This is no more apparent than in our House Athletics days that were held recently. Houses provide connection and belonging for our students, and healthy rivalry amongst the Houses only adds to that engagement. Whilst participation and doing your best are part of the athletics day – there were a number of long-standing school records broken - the overwhelming spirit was fun. There was so much encouragement and laughter.  Students proudly displayed their House colours – many in a range of creative and imaginative ways including wigs, face paint and tutus! One of the small parts of the senior athletics day that impressed me was the line of fundraising stalls all organised by students – a BBQ for the Cancer Council, cookies for Wollongarra and zooper doopers for Cambodia. Each were doing a busy trade as students enthusiastically supported each of these causes. 

As Principal it is my hope our students go out into the community as kind, capable, compassionate young people who will not simply inhabit the world, but make it better. Seeing our students in action on these days gives me great confidence that this hope will be fulfilled.

Newhaven College Mothers & Grandmothers Lunch – Friday 10 May

Parents and grandparents are a very important part of our school community. As part of our Mothers Day celebrations at the College this year we will be hosting our inaugural Newhaven College Mothers and Grandmothers Lunch. 

The event will be on Friday 10 May at the Phillip Island Winery. Our hosts have been very kind in keeping tickets as affordable as possible. More information, along with booking details, will be sent to families shortly. This lunch is not exclusively for mums and grandmums – all members of our parent community are welcome. 

Spots are limited so please book quickly to avoid disappointment on what should be a great day.

Open Day 

I would like to thank all of our families who supported our recent Open Day. It was a great day as the sun shone and we welcomed many visitors to Newhaven. It is always a thrill to see so many areas of our school in action – music, equestrian, mountain biking, football, choir, woodwork and of course many classroom displays. My particular thanks to all of our students who assisted on the day and were such exceptional ambassadors for our school, as well as our PFA and other parent volunteers who participated and made the day a success. 

I would like to wish all members of our Newhaven community a happy and safe Easter and term break. We look forward to seeing all of our students back at school on Tuesday April 16. 

In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength

Tony Corr
