
We have had a very successful start to the school year. The return of students has seen our beautiful grounds come alive with energy and a hive of activities. We have welcomed more than 100 new students to the College this year. Whilst most are in Prep and Year 7, we have new students at every year level of the school. If your child is beginning at Newhaven I hope they have had a positive start to the year.

A highlight of the commencement of the year was our first Full School Assembly where we inducted our 2025 student leaders in Junior, Middle and Senior Schools. We were particularly grateful to have Steve Uluru Parker conduct our Welcome to Country as well as a welcome to 2025. A highlight of the Assembly was welcoming back and acknowledging our 2024 VCE High Achievers. This included addresses given by our 2024 College Dux, Sienna Michie, and College Proxime, Finn Leary. Both girls spoke about the importance of balance and persistence in achieving their success at school.

The opening few weeks of the school year is jammed full of activities both during and after school, including a number of parent events. I would like to thank all parents and caregivers for their attendance at these school occasions. We know the key to success in a child’s education is the partnership of school and home and these events help build that connection. We also rely on parent volunteers in a number of areas to make our school the best it can be. Whether that be as part of our PFA, a parent class representative, or in some other capacity, we encourage all our parents to be involved.

Along with our new students a number of new staff have joined the College this year. We warmly welcome each of them to our Newhaven community. 

Back L-R - Annie Brewin (Learning Support), Andre Hetebrueg (Year 1 Teacher), Tony Corr (Principal), Zach Walker (AFL SportsReady Trainee), Carel Fourie (Product Design Teacher), James Ryan (Head of Brass), Tove Chadwick (Junior School Art Teacher), Rebecca Burgan (Year 6 Teacher), Ryan Gingell (Year 9 Teacher). Front L-R – Casey Bartlett (Nurse), Gayle Roberts (Teacher), Elyse Jamieson (Learning Support), Nala Taylor (Learning Support), Kim Northover (Special Needs Teacher), Danae Ziolkowski (Learning Support), Aisling Fagan (Science and Food Teacher), Samuel Armer (Head of Woodwind)

In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Our Strength

Tony Corr


Leadership and Staff

Newhaven College Leadership Team. L-R Alan Nolan (Director of Business), Cath Huther (Head of Junior School), Brett Torstonson (Head of Senior School), Karen Milkins-Hendry (Director of Learning), Tony Corr (Principal) and Ralph Arceo (Head of Middle School).

All Newhaven College staff in a nutshell!