National Education Forum
Last week I attended the National Education Forum in Canberra along with over three-hundred Principals, Board Members and other sector representatives. With the lead up to the Federal election, the forum featured presentations from the Shadow Minister for Education, Senator Sarah Henderson, and Senator Deborah O’Neill on behalf of the Government. Policy positions, including funding for independent schools, as well as key challenges and opportunities were all discussed as we head towards the election.
School Camps
The benefits of school camps for students of all ages cannot be underestimated. Connection with nature, developing resilience, greater independence and building relationships are just some of the many advantages of a school camp experience. At their best camps can be transformative experiences that leave a lasting impact on students’ lives.
At Newhaven, camps remain a central part of our school experience. Whilst other educational sectors have had to compromise or remove camp programs, Newhaven continues to offer valuable overnight and camp experiences tailored for each year level.
In recent years there has been an increase in camp absenteeism from students. Whilst there will always be legitimate reasons for camp non-attendance, we are receiving reports that some students may prefer to not attend, and this is in some cases being condoned by parents.
Whilst it is understandable a young person may have a reluctance to attend camps as they are placed out of their comfort zone and maybe miss some of the comforts of home, the challenges these experiences offer are the exact reason they should go. Overwhelmingly students are glad they attended by the end, even if they were less enthusiastic at the start. I encourage all parents to support the school in ensuring your child attends these important camp experiences when they present.
College Open Day – Saturday 15 March
All families are invited to attend our annual College Open Day on Saturday 15 March. Our staff and students will be putting on a range of presentations and displays. This is a great opportunity to see our school in action. I hope to see as many of our school community as possible on Saturday week.
In Quietness and Confidence Shall Be Your Strength
Tony Corr
We recently welcomed back some of our 2024 VCE High Achievers to Homework Club.
2024 alumni Max Arceo and Finn Leary provided practical tips and insights to our VCE students. Homework Club provides a great environment for students to get their homework done and receive additional teacher support in a range of subjects including Mathematics and English. It runs every Wednesday after school until 5pm. The late bus runs on Wednesdays, departing the College at 5pm.
We encourage our students to make the most of this incredible opportunity.
Tony Corr
There have been a few tweaks to the Term Dates for 2025. Please be sure you have the most up to date information.
The entire community is welcome to attend Newhaven College's Open Day on Saturday 15 March 2025, 9am-1pm.
Student leaders will offer visitors guided tours of the stunning school grounds and facilities. Activities will be held throughout the day, from Junior School to the Year 9 Environmental Centre. Students and teachers will also perform demonstrations in the science labs and specialty wing, music performances in the Performing Arts Wing, art displays and hands-on creative workshops in the Trade Centre. Equestrian and Mountain Biking demonstrations will also take place on campus.
If you are a Newhaven College graduate from 1985, 1995, 2005 or 2015 come along and catch up with your old classmates. We invite you join us for a delicious morning tea, followed by a College tour with Director of Learning Karen Milkins-Hendry.
Let your friends and family know... spread the word!
From Sunday 27 July to Friday 8 August, 14 Year 9 female students from our sister school, Ibaraki Christian Junior High School in Japan will visit Newhaven College for the 21st time. During their two week visit they will experience life in an Australian classroom and visit some of the local attractions organised by Newhaven College. This is an exciting opportunity for our guests as well as the families who kindly offer to host them.
Please consider hosting an Ibaraki student. Host families receive a financial allowance to help cover the cost of billeting a student for their two weeks stay. To participate, families need a Working With Children Check and must complete the Child Safety online module.
If you are interested in becoming a homestay family or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact Mitsuko Horiguchi via SEQTA DM or call 5956 7505 by Wednesday 30 April. We would love to hear from you.
Mitsuko Horiguchi
Japanese Exchange Program Coordinator
Year 12 Leadership is organising another fun day of dress ups for their chosen charity Bali Children Foundation.
Dress up in one colour and bring along a gold coin donation. There will also be a Bake Sale in Junior School during Break 1.
Newhaven College celebrates International Women’s Day. We ‘Accelerate Action’ every day. Teachers and students champion equity, inspire change and empower one another to discover more. Together, they are creating a future where women and girls can continue to lead, innovate and thrive.
The Newhaven College Student Representative Council is a student led initiative to ensure that students' voices are heard when it comes to issues and discussions that affect us. Now in its 3rd year, we meet every Tuesday in SS5 at Break 2. All Senior School students are welcome to attend, the topic of each meeting will be posted in the bulletin each Tuesday Morning! If you have any ideas for discussion or questions about SRC don’t hesitate to get in touch with Indi Aurora or Joey Thompson who facilitate the meetings.
The SRC has been essential in achieving some great wins for the school, Including:
Indigo Aurora and Joey Thompson
Social Justice Captains 2025
I hope you’re all having a great start to the year, it’s hard to believe it’s already March!
The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) is excited to share some upcoming opportunities to get involved, meet other parents, and support our wonderful school community.
Join Us for Our Next PFA Meeting
If you’re interested in volunteering at PFA events or even joining the committee, we’d love to see you at our next meeting on Thursday, 13 March at 2:30pm in the school boardroom. This is a great chance to hear about what’s planned for the year, share your ideas, and ask any questions if you’d like to get more involved.
Open Day – Volunteers Needed!
Our school’s Open Day is on 15 March, and we need volunteers to help with our BBQ and food stall. Whether you can spare a couple of hours or longer, we’d love to have you on board! This is always a fantastic event, and your support makes a huge difference. If you’re available, please sign up here.
Join Our Volunteer WhatsApp Group
Not everyone can commit to being a PFA committee member and that’s completely okay! There are plenty of ways to help, whether it’s offering a specific skill, sharing ideas, assisting at events when you’re available or your business donating items for a raffle or event. Every contribution, big or small, is truly appreciated.
If you’d like to be included in our PFA Volunteer WhatsApp group, where we post calls for help as needed, please reach out so you may be included. It’s a great way to stay informed and lend a hand when it suits you.
We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions or are interested in getting involved, please email us at
Thank you for your ongoing support – together, we can make this a fantastic year for our school community.
Angel Chambers
President | Parents and Friends Association
It’s hard to believe we are already at the tail end of Term 1! The Junior School has had an excellent start to the term, with students demonstrating fantastic work habits, enthusiasm for learning, and kindness towards one another. Classrooms are full of energy as students take on new challenges, collaborate with their peers, and engage in all aspects of school life. The positive atmosphere across the Junior School reflects the strong sense of community we are so proud of at Newhaven.
A warm welcome to the 16 new students who have joined our Junior School community. Many of our classes are now full, with only a small number of enrolments still available.
Spelling Mastery Update
Our Spelling Mastery program for Years 3–6 has been postponed until the beginning of Term 2. In the meantime, all classes are focusing on essential spelling foundations to ensure they are well-prepared for the program's start.
Continuous Reporting & Parent-Teacher Interviews
Continuous reporting is an excellent way to stay updated on your child’s progress throughout the term. It ensures that parents are aware of any concerns, interventions, or achievements well before Parent-Teacher Interviews, which will be held on the last day of Term 1.
So far, we have shared Settling into School 2025 updates and DIBELS progress, focusing on fundamental reading skills. DIBELS evaluates crucial literacy skills, providing a comprehensive assessment from Prep to Year 8. In the coming weeks, we will send out data from our new Maths screener, Acadience. This is an assessment tool used to monitor students' progress in key mathematical areas. The screener evaluates essential skills in computation, number sense, and problem-solving.
For Prep students, continuous reporting will be available in the coming weeks via SEQTA, detailing progress in phonemic awareness, letter-sounds, and numbers.
Junior School Assembly
At last week’s Assembly, our Year 4 students proudly presented their 2025 pledges to the Junior School. I was incredibly impressed by their confidence and strong presentation skills. We look forward to seeing our Year 4 students carry out their pledges throughout the year, leading by example and demonstrating respect, responsibility, and leadership in their daily actions.
Junior School Curriculum Evening
We had a good response at our recent Junior School Curriculum Evening. Thank you to all families for your support and engagement. The evening provided a valuable opportunity to present our curriculum and the learning approaches we use to support student growth. We also discussed the importance of students applying their classroom learning at home. We appreciate all the wonderful home learning that has started with our home reading folders this term.
The NAPLAN testing window will take place from March 12th–24th for all students. NAPLAN provides valuable insight into student learning and progress across the country. While it is only one form of assessment, it remains the best national measure we currently have to track trends in literacy and numeracy. At the same time, we recognise that each child’s learning journey extends beyond standardised testing. NAPLAN does not replace ongoing teacher assessments but provides additional insights into student progress.
Year 3 NAPLAN Schedule
• Writing – Wednesday 12 March
• Reading – Thursday 13 March and Friday 14 March
• Conventions of Language (Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation) – Monday 17 March and Tuesday 18 March
• Numeracy – Wednesday 19 March
• Catch-up sessions – Thursday 20 March
Prep Reading Party
Our Prep students are eagerly looking forward to their Reading Party on Monday, 24 March, from 2:20-3:20pm. Each student will receive their reading folder, and one family member is invited to join us for this special afternoon. This event celebrates the early stages of their reading journey and highlights the crucial partnership between school learning and home reinforcement.
Years 2-4 House Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to Bass House, crowned winners of our Junior School House Swimming Carnival! Well done to all students for their enthusiasm, participation, and team spirit! Go to the Sports section of this newsletter for lots of photos!
🏆 Final Results:
🥇 1st – Bass
🥈 2nd – Clarke
🥉 3rd – Sambell
🏅 4th – McHaffie
Before & After School Care
Thank you to everyone who completed the survey regarding before and after-school care. We recognise that this service would be beneficial for many families. While there are many factors to consider before implementing this, we are working behind the scenes to ensure we provide a high-quality program that meets the needs of our community.
Random Acts of Kindness
As part of our Respectful Relationships program, students have been focusing on Random Acts of Kindness, both inside and outside the classroom. It has been lovely to see so many thoughtful gestures. When you look for kindness, you find it everywhere!
Key Dates
Gold Week 7:
Wed 12 March - NAPLAN testing
Wed 12 Mar - JS Assembly- 2.30pm start. Junior School Wellbeing Captains
Wed 12 March - Prep Students begin on Wednesdays
Fri 14 March - JS swimming lessons Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 students
Sat 15 March - Newhaven College Open Day – Junior School Choir
Blue Week 8:
Fri 21 March - Harmony Day- wear a splash of orange
Gold Week 9:
Mon 24 March - Prep Reading Party – 2.20pm-3.20pm
Wed 26 March - JS Assembly- 2.30pm start. Junior School House Captains
Wed 26 March - Year 3 Koala Conservation Excursion
Thu 27 March - JS House Athletics Carnival.
Blue Week 10:
Thu 3 April - Last of Term 1 for Students
Fri 4 April - Parent Teacher Interviews and pupil free day
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to an exciting second half of the term!
Cath Huther
Head of Junior School
Our Junior School came out in force on Wednesday to do a big clean up around the school grounds for Clean Up Australia Day. Making a competition out of which class could find the most rubbish, they scoured every nook and cranny of the school. The enthusiasm was something to be very proud of!
Drumbeat is a music-based program that uses rhythmic sounds and games to nurture personal growth and strengthen skills in listening, self-awareness and teamwork. Students learn how to play a djembe and create their own rhythms with the opportunity to work towards a performance for their peers. They work together, listen to each other, and importantly, have fun making (loud) music. Christina and Andre are offering this program in Junior School during first and second term for Year 4 students.
Christina Aitken
Congratulations to the students in the following photo who were presented with their Merit Awards and recognised at Junior School Assembly.
Attendance and Punctuality
At Newhaven College, regular attendance and punctuality are vital for student success. Being present and on time helps students engage with their learning, build relationships, and develop lifelong positive habits. Absences can disrupt learning, making it harder for students to catch up. Punctuality sets a positive tone for the day and helps students make the most of every lesson. If your child is absent, please inform the College promptly with a reason. This allows us to support their learning and keep accurate records. Thank you for reinforcing the importance of attendance and punctuality and supporting a positive learning environment.
School Camps
School camps play a vital role in the personal growth and development of our students. They provide an opportunity for young people to step outside their comfort zones, fostering independence and resilience. Being away from home encourages students to manage themselves, adapt to new environments, and navigate life without the immediate comforts of family support. These experiences are invaluable in preparing students for future challenges.
Camps also promote teamwork and social skills. Living and working alongside peers in a new setting helps students build stronger relationships, practice effective communication, and learn to get along with a variety of people. Additionally, camps provide unique learning experiences outside the classroom, allowing students to develop new skills and make lasting memories.
As part of the school program, attendance at camp is not optional. We believe these experiences are essential to each student's holistic education and growth. They create opportunities to forge new connections, enhance problem-solving abilities, and foster a sense of community.
This term, our Year 5 and Year 7 students will embark on exciting camp adventures:
We wish all our Year 5 and Year 7 students, along with the dedicated staff accompanying them, a safe, rewarding and enjoyable experience!
Middle School Volleyball Circuit – A Smash Hit!
On Tuesday, 25 February, Middle School held its first House Competition – the Volleyball Circuit – during extended Home Group in the gymnasium. The event was a fantastic display of teamwork, House spirit, and friendly competition.
All Year 5-8 students participated enthusiastically, playing in three round-robin matches to determine the final standings. After some tightly contested games, Bass and Clark faced off for 1st and 2nd place, while McHaffie and Sambell competed for 3rd and 4th. In an exciting final, Bass emerged victorious over Clark to claim the top spot.
Congratulations to all students for their positive attitude, participation, and sportsmanship throughout the competition. It was wonderful to see so many students proudly wearing their House polos on the day. A reminder to families that House uniform is compulsory for all House events – if students have outgrown their current polo, we encourage them to purchase a new one to show their House pride.
A special thank you to Mr. Clark for his efforts in organising the event and to the staff for their support and assistance. We look forward to more spirited competitions throughout the year!
Ralph Arceo
Head of Middle School
Human nature is a funny thing. As individuals we are guided by our own inner light. This inner light is distinctly unique to us all, and yet it is easily manipulated by those around us. As children, our natures are shaped and moulded by our parents. As we grow, those that influence a person’s nature expand, from extended family members, our friends, and of course the influence of a young person’s teachers can be profound. We as teachers must never underestimate the impact we can have on shaping and moulding the hearts and minds of the young ones we teach. By the time a young person reaches their teenage years, the greatest impact on their natures tends to be their peers. Friendship groups have a powerful sway on the development of so many young people and the pull of peer pressure can be overwhelming. It takes considerable strength to overcome the pressure of one’s peers during teenage years, but inner strength and resilience are characteristics that we try to cultivate at Newhaven College. Following the crowd is the easy option – standing up to those around us that may wish to lead us astray takes an inner strength that only the strongest of teenagers are able to exhibit. Standing up for those around us who are struggling, speaking up when our friends are doing the wrong thing and being prepared to stand out from the crowd to do what is right are the actions of an individual whose nature will ultimately influence those around them in positive and constructive ways. These individuals will be the positive influence the community, the country, and who knows, the world needs.
In our current Year 12 cohort, we are beginning to see the signs of a profound change in their collective natures. The exceptionally positive approach that the entire year level has demonstrated to their schooling this year has been a joy to see. There is a collective will, a determination to be at their best. Their commitment to their studies has been clear and an open-mindedness to change and new ideas has been wonderful to observe. Last week, the Year 12 group thoroughly embraced the introduction of a Study Timetable. Each student developed their own study program – one that works for them, one that is unique to their own needs and will stand them in good stead for the challenges of the year ahead. The attitude displayed by all was very positive, very productive and very determined. If their self-discipline holds and each student can stick to their guns, they will put themselves in the strongest possible position to tackle their VCE examinations in less than 8 months’ time.
We all face challenges in our lives every day – they come in all shapes and sizes. They may be as simple as completing a homework task, to compete in a high-level sporting event, or as confronting as showing others around you who you truly are – to take a risk, to trust in those around you, to know that people will accept you for who you are. No matter what the challenge, I hope that all of our students feel support in, and have the confidence to, truly follow their hearts and embrace their true natures.
Brett Torstonson
Head of Senior School
Last Monday and Friday, our Year 9 English students attended an excursion to visit the National Vietnam Veterans Museum. This was part of their study of the text ‘Jasper Jones’, which is set during the period of the Vietnam War. Students interacted with the exhibits, spoke with Veteran volunteers and toured the extensive collection of memorabilia and artifacts housed at the museum. This was a fabulous experiential way for students to immerse themselves in the context of their text. We thank the volunteers and staff at the museum for taking the time to share their stories with our students.
Elizabeth Hall
Year 9 Teacher
Last Tuesday, Year 9 Xplore students attended the second of their excursions, investigating Biomes in our region. Students headed to the Gurdies, to compare the natural environments there, with the recent fire-affected areas. They observed the regrowth, surveyed the vegetation and took soil samples for later analysis. Overall, this was a terrific experience for our Year 9s.
Elizabeth Hall
Year 9 Teacher
A test of character was on display last week, when 86 of our current Year 10 students embraced the challenge of the outdoors alongside nine Newhaven College staff ventured out on the Year 10 Camp to Mount Stirling. The weather was kind to the group – Goldilocks was in fine form – it was not too hot and not too cold. Perfect weather for young people to challenge themselves in the Victorian high country. Being away from home and away from their creature comforts is a profound challenge for many young people these days. Nevertheless, most of our Year 10 cohort embraced the outdoors last week, challenged themselves both physically and mentally, and returned to school this week wiser and better for the experience, and hopefully with a greater appreciation for all that exists in the great outdoors this is Australia.
Brett Torstonson
Head of Senior School
On Friday 28 February, our Year 11 Environmental Science students were fortunate to experience stunning weather as they explored Phillip Island for their Unit 1 fieldwork task. Visiting several key sites, students observed and recorded environmental data, gaining firsthand insight into the island’s diverse ecosystems.
Fieldwork is an essential part of Environmental Science, allowing students to apply classroom knowledge to real-world settings. By collecting and analysing data, they develop critical skills in scientific investigation, helping them understand environmental processes and human impacts. This hands-on experience not only enhances their learning but also fosters a deeper appreciation for conservation and sustainable management.
Ann-Marie McLean
Over the summer, Year 11 student Jasmine Ruffin volunteered with the Sentinel-Times and spent time "working" as a journalist; covering a broad range of tasks such as conducting interviews for articles, editing work and creating pieces of my own to be published. Jasmine really enjoyed the experience, "My time spent volunteering with Sentinel-Times has been invaluable in learning how to organise and communicate effectively through my writing. Having been supported by a truly generous and caring staff at the Sentinel-Times enabled me to grow my English skills, and learn more about a career of interest to me in a more direct and engaged approach."
Sentinel Times Editor, Chloe Kent said of Jasmine, "It's been fantastic having Jasmine as part of our team whilst she undertakes her Duke of Ed. She's been involved in researching and writing, bringing many great ideas to the table during the process. Jasmine brought a completely fresh perspective to a piece on the social media reforms which made the piece truly standout. We are looking forward to continuing to work with Jasmine and see what her future brings in the world of journalism."
Please be sure to check out this month's Career Newsletter.
Key highlights include:
Lots of information sessions from higher education providers throughout March.
Anthea Bennett
Head of Careers
New Year 7 free instrumental lessons
For our new Year 7 students who would like to learn any of these instruments, saxophone, flute, clarinet, violin, cello, trumpet or trombone, we are offering a free semester of lessons through the Individual Tuition Program (IMT) and free instrument hire. Click here for more information or to register.
Local Band
Our recently formed band, Xenith Paradox featuring James Cameron, Flynn Dengerink, Finn Farley, Holly Martelli played at the Phillip Island Board Riders Club supporting Newhaven legends, The Dropkicks, and Skurge.
Xenith Paradox whipped the crowd into a frenzy with the versions of Love Train -Wolf Mother, Sister Rosetta -Noisettes, Disco -Surf Curse, Pretty Fly (for a white guy) -Offspring, Wet - Dazey and the Scouts, Fluorescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys, Rock & Roll - Led Zeppelin, Volcano Girls -Veruca Salt, I used to be Fun -Teen Jesus and the Jean Teasers, Pool House - Backseat Lovers, Figure it out -Royal Blood and Scotty Doesn’t Know - Lustra
The band's drummer, James Cameron said "We're a local fast paced rock band with a collection of indie songs looking for more gigs".
Upcoming gigs at: Inverloch Equinox Festival at Inverloch Glade (Saturday 22 March)
Follow the band on Instagram @zenithparadox_official
Taiko Drumming
Last year we started Taiko Drumming at the College, with a group in Junior School and a combined Middle/Senior School. This is a call out for any more students who would like to get involved in the Middle/Senior Taiko Group. Our rehearsal will be each Thursday at lunchtime in the Performing Arts Wing - Black Box. No experience is necessary. Just a desire to make a lot of noise!
Senior Vocal Ensemble - Moved
For Term 1, our Senior Vocal Ensemble will be rehearsing each Monday lunchtime in the Rehearsal Hall. New members most welcome. Year 9-12 student come along and join Kerryn Lockhart and Matthew Goss.
Click here for more information about the MusicPlus Performance Program.
Mathew Goss
Director of Music
There's been lots of action in music over the past few weeks. Our AMEB (Australian Music Examination Board) students from 2024 were presented with their certificates in assembly.
Congratulations to each of these students for their dedication to music.
Rehearsals are underway for the College School Production of Xanadu!
It will be hard to decide who will be having more fun when Xanadu hits the stage in May - the audience or the 50 plus cast members bringing flashy and fabulous to life! The stage musical is a retelling of the cult classic 80s film—which stars Australia’s own Olivia Newton-John—and its main purpose is to spread a little love and joy. Xanadu is vibrant, bubbly and bright bringing ‘theatrical sunshine’ in every moment with a killer, familiar score.
Xanadu is the story of the Greek muse, Kira, who descends from Mount Olympus to inspire a struggling artist in 1980 Venice Beach. To hide her demi-god status, Kira dons the perfect disguise: legwarmers, roller skates, and an Australian accent. The script sets its tongue firmly in its cheek, is peppered with comedic one-liners and is guaranteed to put a pep in your step—or, perhaps, the disco in your roller skates!
Friday 2 May, 7.30pm
Saturday 3 May, 1.30pm
Saturday 3 May, 7.30pm
Sunday 4 May, 1.30pm
The VCE Art Creative Practice students recently travelled to the National Gallery of Victoria to view the amazing Yayoi Kusama exhibition. In addition to this they attended a lecture which investigated the ideas, meanings and messages in artworks by this original and trailblazing artist.
Students encountered immersive installations that challenged their perceptions and a wide range of rich and varied artworks and materials. They also enjoyed the interactive aspects of some of the installations where they were able to contribute personally to the making of the artworks.
Rebecca Power
Art Teacher
Art Club has taken off, with students attending on Monday afternoons. Students from Years 5 to 12 are welcome to come along.
Art Club is for students who enjoy painting, drawing and creating and would like to work with like-minded arty students or a VCE art or design student working on their folio.
Monday afternoons in SW1, then catch the late bus to get home.
Fiona Anastasi
Art Teacher
On Thursday, 20 March, students participated in the District Swimming Carnival at Cowes Swimming Pool, and it was a fantastic day for our team! Ethan Lynch was awarded Age Champion after an outstanding performance, securing 1st place in the individual medley event. Congratulations, Ethan!
We are proud to announce that we had an excellent showing at the District Carnival, with 23 students qualifying for the Division round. The Division Swimming competition took place on Friday, 28 March, at Korumburra, and we came away with impressive results. Our 9/10 boys, 9/10 girls, 11 boys, and 12/13 boys freestyle relay teams all took home first-place finishes. In addition, our Boys Open Medley Relay claimed victory, and both Darby Smyth and Ethan Lynch will progress to the next stage for individual strokes.
A huge well done to all the students who represented us so well, and a special mention to the following attendees:
Year 3: Eden Bennett, Sophie Clark, Sam Phillips
Year 4: Sebastian Ferretto, Billy Kimber, Austin Lynch, Ruby Pirouet, Milla Potter, Hazel Jones, Millie Van
Year 5: Cooper Bennett, Leith Cameron, Olivia Clark, Reeve Dennis, Oscar Lamaro, Sam Martindale
Year 6: Dae Anderson, Zen Dalli, James Lamaro, Ethan Lynch, Isla McGregor, Harper Perry, Darby Smyth
The next exciting event is the Regional Championships in Sale on Thursday 13 March. We wish all our swimmers the best of luck as they continue to compete and represent our school.
Jackie Clark
JS PE and Sports Teacher
Our Year 2-6 students took to the pool in February for their turn at House Swimming Carnivals. Everyone got into the spirit of the events wearing House colours and giving it their best shot. No matter the level of ability, everyone got into the pool and had a go.
Thank you to our Year 10 students, teachers and support staff who assisted over the two days.
Year 4 student Ruby Pirouet received an achievement award for breaking the record in 50M butterfly 9/10 girls. She achieved a time of 44.28 seconds.
Final Results:
1st – Bass
2nd – Clarke
3rd – Sambell
4th – McHaffie
Challenges are more easily embraced by some young people than others. We as a College love to celebrate the extraordinary feats of our students. One of our Year 12 students, indeed, one of our Sports Captains has managed to achieve something quite incredible. Lara Smyth has been selected to represent Victoria at the National School Age Triathlon Championships in Perth later this term.
Lara will be competing against the best school aged triathletes in the country. This is an extraordinary achievement for Lara and the school wishes her every success when she travels to Perth later this month. We will keep you all updated with her exploits and know that she will do her very best proudly to represent the state in such a challenging event. Good luck, Lara!
Brett Torstonson
Head of Senior School
Our wonderful Art Teacher, Sian Adnam, has taken out the Longboard State Titles in her category (O60 Women's), held at Cape Woolamai and Surfies Beaches.
Congratulation Sian on such an incredible result!
If you're looking for a lighthearted way to learn about some of the tough topics of parenting. Check out The Role of a Lifetime on ABC iView.
Topics covered include when is the right time to give your child a smartphone, sex and relationships, AI and deep fake technology and their impact on mental health, discipline and the impacts of social media on growing minds.
This show can be watched by the whole family, with some parental guidance required.